
Engage users with an App Animation Video

Getting your app out to the market is already a huge endeavor. And that’s not even counting the “cost” of advertising for customers to find your product! With thousands of apps flooding the market, what medium is there to help you stand out? In this ever-increasing social media age, a marketing tool every company should use is animation.

Why Animation?

An advertisement is only good as its ability to capture the viewer’s attention. An app animation is a cost effective, highly engaging form of advertising that has been proven to be successful by many different brands. Social media viewership is at an all-time high and having a vehicle to expose your app features and benefits will be critical to your vertical growth.

Benefits of an App Video

It’s important to be Social nowadays and App animations are easily scalable across different platforms. Not focused on Social Media Marketing? App animated videos also can play a role on a Landing page or App Storefront. With the use of Motion Graphics, animation can be incorporated with live video or even stock footage increasing the quality of your brand. Even 3D animation can be combined with your app footage for an impressive visual effect.

Explain With Ease

App Animations alone can’t explain the advanced features of your app, and that’s where an animation studio like Optious can help, such as:

·        Explain software features with professional Voiceovers

·        Heighten the video with hand-picked Sound Effects

·        Show your app through abstract motion graphics or direct footage

·        Services are all in-house which means fast turnaround times

·        Easily scale your video across multiple platforms

Thanks for reading our article! If you like more information on App Videos please click here.

Click on the button below or call us anytime at 909-581-9746 if you’re interested in a motion graphics video for your company, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

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