
3D Shape Evolution

What started as a small motion graphics proof of concept eventually blossomed into a visual showcase. Originally the idea was to produce a simple animation with an effect called roughen edges. After taking a step back (which really helps every once in a while) we wanted to see what we can do creatively to advance...

A Stock Footage Explainer Video, What’s That?

As filming live footage has become harder to do as of in recent times. A great way to reach customers about your product, service, or brand is with a Stock Footage explainer video. In other words, an Explainer Videos with Stock Footage and 2D Motion Graphics But why exactly? Why is “Stock” Footage a great...

Employee Appreciation Post

We would like to take the time to properly thank our employees here at Optious. This award goes out to Maki in our HR department, we appreciate all of her hard work and we don't know where we would be at today without it. Click on the button below or call us anytime at 909-581-9746...

How Computer Specs Affects Business Performance

Upgrading Your Workstation To Upgrade Your Output Most industries throughout the world rely on computers in one way or another. Technology degrades over time and eventually there will be a snag along the road that halts progress. It may be time for an upgrade. When you’re working with 4k videos and 3d renders like us,...

Engage users with an App Animation Video

Getting your app out to the market is already a huge endeavor. And that’s not even counting the "cost" of advertising for customers to find your product! With thousands of apps flooding the market, what medium is there to help you stand out? In this ever-increasing social media age, a marketing tool every company should...