
VR Game Dev Analytics – Cognitive3D

Motion Graphics VR Game Dev Analytics Similar Projects Watch Video VR Game Dev Analytics – Cognitive3D Watch Video Watch Video Blue Inception Watch Video Watch Video Orbs Experiments Watch Video

More Time For You with BlueCoin Crypto App

Personal Project More Time For You with BlueCoin Crypto App Looking back at our previous endeavors, our videos are packed with animation but not too many characters or complex visuals. Starting from scratch with all the knowledge and experience we gathered, we set out to make the best 2D character-based animation to date. The raison...

Blue Inception

Motion Graphics Blue Inception Personal Project Blue Inception How do you take an idea and make it exciting? That's a question we always get when working on projects for SaaS companies of all sizes. When not bound by a brand guide or pre-conceived ideas, we wondered what we would create if we were given carte...

Fillyloo Forest | A Race to Friendship

Motion Graphics Fillyloo Forest | A Race to Friendship Project Overview Optious is proud to present our latest animated kids video. Say hello to Boxo, Gyro, Dozer, and Nacho as they learn valuable life lessons. 🤝 It all started with the character designs. We did many iterations till we found the right balance in color,...

Saving Humpty Dumpty

Motion Graphics Saving Humpty Dumpty Project Overview When deciding what to do for our next project, we settled upon making an animation about a nursery rhyme. But the catch was that we did our own little spin on it. What if someone was there all along, reaching out a helping hand when Humpty needed it...

Chasing Possible

t 2D Animation Chasing Possible Project Overview It all started with an idea back in January 2020. Our goal was to create a video that will allow the team to “go all out” in production. The project would get shelved from time to time to focus on client projects. Eight months later, after countless working,...